Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bleach Part 2 - The Good, The Bad, and The Bankai.

There's a world beyond our own some might say. In this other world, there are forces at odds that control the world of humans ultimate destiny. These protagonists and foes follow set guidelines and are easily distinguishable, holding the vanquish of their foes as their highest priority… right?

Actually, in the world of Bleach… although Black and White exists, there exists more shades of Grey than anything else. The war that is waged with the very lives of humans as the cost is actually fought on our very streets, in our backyards, in our schools and hospitals; so near to us that a victim might only be a breath away from their expiration. The foe, the dastardly apparitions responsible for these egregious crimes against all of humanity… they are unseen by most and, in the case of their victims, the only knowledge of their existence is probably in the execution of their crimes. Our saviors… are not cut from the cloth saints but everyday pioneers of vision. Although they hail from the Soul Society, the land of the afterlife, and although they are charged with the protection of Earth's people, they are the colloquial equivalent to spiritual policeman and come complete with their own distinctions. Each member belongs to a squad, each member has his own Zanpakto(samurai-style sword which has only one bearer), and each member has his own inherent flaws. That's right, our apparitional guardians are imperfect but willing to fight against vicious evils for our benefits. As they are imperfect, however, there are also some among their ranks that have questionable motives. If this is true, the opposite is as well and there exists, among those that are born of the ultimate evil, some with virtue and honor. This ultimate evil is summarized as the lost spirits, the ones without a single virtue left because their existence has become rage, and in the circumstance of zombie-like plagues, lost human souls that are devoured by this same darkness… they are the Hollows. Souls that have become so lost and so dark that destruction is their lust and it must be sated with unquestionable resolve.

This is the struggle. Humans die. In the defense of their soul's right to a pleasant eternity, Soul Reapers(Shinigami) will fight against Hollows and preserve the balance. 

One man, seemingly aware of this second world's presence, becomes entangled in this other worldly operation and, due to his prowess and unexplainable talent to handle these situations, finds himself becoming further and further involved in the other world's operations and very existence.