Monday, June 24, 2013

Soul Eater - Watch it… or I'll take your soul.

Humans are granted extraordinary power. That isn't new.
They are imbued with the power to transform their bodies. That isn't new either.
By changing their bodies, they become weapons for their chosen partners to wield in a union whose strength depends upon the ability of the wielder and wielded's souls to perform in harmony. Wow. That is a new and somewhat confusing concept. This is Soul Eater.

It's pacing almost feels a little rushed, without really mentioning the progress that is undone by their hastiness, Maka and Soul almost seem too powerful from the very beginning. All it takes for me to get confused is to make me feel left out real early. So... about some basics.

Maka is a human girl in the Death Weapon Meister Academy. She is a Meister and Soul is her partner and her weapon. Soul has the ability to change his body into the graceful frame of a large-wielded scythe. Different from the scythes used in fieldwork, he is perfectly designed for the simple task of destroying their opponents and for the coup de gras, he dines on their souls. Perfectly normal behavior at the academy however, seeing as a weapon needs 99 souls and the soul of one witch to become the strongest type of weapon: The Deathscythe.

This anime has a ton of integrity. It's a little into the dark, much like D.Gray-Man, but it does its own premise great justice, lightening the characters with seldom overused humor and more original styles(like making OCD funny!). There was a sense of togetherness you don't get in a lot of other shows. There's no solo act, or at least, very few. You are a team. You must act accordingly. Fight or flight, lives are the balance in Soul Eater. You take for granted your power for one second and realism sets in… someone is trying to take your life, your power, your sanity. Dark, funny, actiony, and entertaining, Soul Eater really does a good job making a point and driving it home. Pay attention of course, some concepts are a little difficult to get at first but overall, a thoroughly enjoyed series.

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