Friday, March 8, 2013

The Familiar of Zero - Zero no Tsukaima

Quite surprising, this anime needs just a little less expectation and a little more blank-stared enjoyment. If you need an anime with rich character development and thoughtful organized plot lines you should look elsewhere. I came unto this anime with no reservations and skeptical optimism. I wasn't let down in the slightest. I just wanted an anime I could enjoy without trying to enjoy it or understand it. Delivered. Here's the thing though, otaku know the difference between anime experiences they enjoy, so much so that a casual anime watched may pass off some animes as a droning misappropriation of your time. But we know.

Lighthearted. I felt almost as if I was being relaxed by the playful nature of the story and the easiness of its presentation. Easy to understand characters and easy to understand plot almost seems like you won't be challenged enough to continue to watch but there are little things here and there that keep you adequately engaged. I know for me that there was at least a time or two when I actually "lol"d. Maybe even "rofl"d.
A new constant. Magic and travel, not just through space or time but dimensions. These seem to be relatively overused plot objects but in this anime, they are almost portrayed as reverse cliches. Almost like they didn't describe things because you've heard it all before and instead let you assume you knew some things about magic academies and ancient villages and towns.
"There's a hole in my plot!" Like anything else, there are flaws. There is direct over usage of plot devices also. Fan-service is one. I mean, it's an equation that works honestly. It may have been driven a bit far at times but it usually ends up in scenarios that are intentionally comical and the enjoyment of the audience really should be the scriptwriter's/artist's first priority anyways. Tsundere. Almost played perfectly here. In my mind's eye, Louise will always be the prototypical tsundere into the hereafter. If you've seen it, than you know why. She's the archetype now and if you tsundere is a plot design you fall for for anime, stop what you're doing and head on over to watch this.
All-in-all. I was politely amused the whole time I watched. I got all four seasons and I liked them all pretty much equally. They weren't very long seasons or episodes, but completely enjoyable.

Whether you do or you don't watch, I would recommend it solely for an entertainment purpose. I mean, you only live once right? lol

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