Sunday, April 7, 2013

Code Geass Part 1 - Do What I Say? Pretty Please.

Season 1 done. Let’s see what I got for Code Geass.

Plot Synopsis: An alternate timeline would see the Japanese taken over by a new West.

A rebellion. A surprise victory. The impending reaction that justifies barbaric means.

The undoubtable “good” hero model is unquestionably broken apart as even a demon himself might blush at the actions of Lelouch. He is the detached and cool student that fellow students wish they were or wish they could have. His dark side might be something they cannot grasp for their world,as an upper class student, is small and secluded, cut off from the truths of their own societal actions by the media and governments combined power to stymie the growth of collaborative thought.

It is regrettable to inform them, however….. that their worst fears have already been realized from the day Lelouch’s goal of vengeance was promised.

The worst enemy, will always be one from within. And the only thing you don’t want in battle or otherwise, is an enemy that is more prepared than you.

Lelouch is a strategic mastermind who gains new powers that enable him with the ability to gain a following more rapidly than he imagined,more potent then he dreamed, and all within his framework toward justice.

This anime is well balanced on all ends. Schoolmates,Comrades, Converts, Neutralists, Antagonists….. Rivals. Lelouch is just a building block whilst each and every episodes, each and every skirmish and conflict,builds to his name, builds to his powers, builds to his numbers and reputation.

In the end…. what leader would choose to fight against a  Lelouch-empowered rebellion of their own free will. Pride, Arrogance, Orders……are the only things that stand between Lelouch and his goal.

Total obliteration of the Bittanian world.

Review: Without spoilers, to say that Lelouch is an easy protagonist would be false. He is a dark hero. So much, so very much tragedy takes place in this anime, in so very little time, it easily garnered emotional reactions without a lot of intentional involvement. That has to be a plus for this anime, the fact that it entangles the viewer without a lot of effort.

Also, the use of strategy in this anime is a welcome change to brute force overcoming brute force. It’s similar to the fact that wits battle wits in almost the same respect, but what would you expect when it comes to military operations? There has to be forethought. There has to be motive and planning. Execution and collaboration. Victories are most thoroughly enjoyed when they are won long before the fighting through preparation and strategy.
Characters in this anime are not of the “typical” variety,except in small cases(Here’s looking at you Shirley). Sudden evolution of personality is seen in a few characters and it is a welcome surprise when you take into account how these characters interact(Euphemia is a prime example,with how directional she seemed to begin with and how open minded she ended up being in such a short time).

Few minor flaws. The relation of characters to each other can be kind of confusing. The intelligence levels of some characters do come into question from time to time. The plot progression speed seems too quickly paced at times only to be followed immediately by a slower feel which almost puts the viewer on edge. It’s kind of funny how involved the viewer feels from time to time. I think the show is pretty awesome so far, starting the next season now. Anyways, this is Part 1, come back in a bit and the final synopsis will be available. Ciao.

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