Monday, April 8, 2013

Code Geass Part (R)2 - Now Hiring Backstabbers and Psychotic Nuclear Scientists. No Really.

What would you do for power?

This power… will give you just what you need to accomplish your goals.
There's just a simple drawback.
That is putting it simply. Mind you, power is not simple to earn so therefore, your cost for such power will also not be simple.
Misery. Suffering. Loneliness. Depression. Self-doubt. Loss of motivation. All these things and more. And you're immense desire for power… wasn't even a selfish one.
You would give all and your life to bestow happiness to everyone of the world and, most importantly, your sister.
What will come of this?
Will people love you for it? No.
Will you be remembered for your sacrifices? No.
Will the people you loved be spared of sadness and bloodshed and loss of their own lives? No.
Will your memory be akin to that of the devil himself? Yes.
Will even those closest to you come to loathe you for all of their days? Yes.
Will the empire you built, full of good intention, rejoice in your demise? Yes.
You knew all this and more and yet you held onto your determination. Your scheme. Your dark plans for bright futures.
You are a martyr of unknown peace. Of collateral repair. Of redeemed hearts and ignorant bliss.
If anyone knew to what end you would save the very people that would come to despise you, they would fall into tears immediately.
You are a hero… and yet, you wear your mask well.

Although it isn't the happiest anime, it shares with us out deepest fears and pains. Betrayal and disgust and things we never wish to experience.
Racism of a different vision, elevens are bastardized by the Brittanians, crying out for their heritage to be restored. Eleven years prior to the events of R2, Brittania invaded Japan and colonized it as Area Eleven. They cry out collectively for delivery. Delivery from the tyranny they experience everyday as prejudice and segregation desperate everyone and everything. Their hero is an unlikely one, especially considering he's a prince in line to the Brittanian throne who resorts to terrorism. Even so, victories are achieved and power gained in this struggle. Everything is not so simple though, as even this master is wits has his fair share of ill fortunes. Defeat, disgrace, and the blood of innocents stain his hands and yet… before this is all done out hero will come to know such pain… as should never be endured by anyone ever.

Will you follow Zero?

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