Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Back to anime. Took long enough. What to say? Fractale.

Fractale was a short one. Even though, I have so many words and emotions to share of it.

Amazing. Heart warming. Bitter. Shocking. Funny. Enlightening. Tearful. Joyful. Amorous. Despair. Fight. Confusing. Technological and archaic.

This little show brought out of me what all good anime does. It shouldn't be ignored. There were some definite things that could have been improved, some rather apparent flaws, and a full up on the short comings. But with a little open mindedness you find yourself feeling the specter. It was at times confusing and always felt a bit rushed, but the story brought you along like it was a movie that shouldn't really have been broken into pieces. In fact, it's my bet that if this were a movie instead, it would be rated much higher. This anime, despite it's shortcomings, was really awe inspiring. Just the way it moved into your brain by introducing certain dialogues or scenarios, shocking you with realities interspersed in this fictional universe. It's almost like you're a baby and someone whips out a book full of colors. You feel like all of your senses are adequately aroused and that your brain functions on a higher level. This anime kinda builds you up. What you actually get out of it is kind of hit or miss. Most people rate it 6/10 on MAL even though you read their critiques and they really enjoyed it. You are just an intelligent anime connoisseur. Don't take it for what t isn't. Just watch it.

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