Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Deadman Wonderland

I'm confused and upset. I needed some time to gather my thoughts on the series, and I just haven't been able to get over a few key shortfalls. In summary.

Deadman Wonderland.

Double-you tee eff. Um. It's like Guro and Insanity had a child. I feel like the writers and illustrators had a collaborative goal to injure the viewer or at least make them wince and cringe from time to time. That being said, no, I don't feel like there was any market value loss on this series(besides the obvious). There is obviously a market and buyers for this time of anime/show. However, I don't feel like using tags like adventure and action over guro is acceptable in this case. Pinned as something else altogether, this isn't a typical "fight to survive" anime that you are used to. Kenichi - The Mightiest Disciple is a great example. Also by Funimation, the themes are comparable at times. I would say, that neither is my forte, but Kenichi at least had a feel towards the straying anime fan. You know the type, the Otaku that watches everything. I found myself in Best Buy in the Anime section, and just randomly picked this up as my "contribute back to those who contribute to me" annual spending of actual money on anime(I don't torrent everything for Pete's sake). I have a slight feeling of regret as it comes to this particular show though. I had heard of it before and my friend who had referred it thoroughly enjoyed it(with that note, I kind of question his personal morals now, lol). Anyways. I was upset a lot watching this show. And not the Clannad kind of way. The Clannad way of being upset was using so much of my bodily water reserves to flush my eyes every 4-5 seconds that I actually became dehydrated. No, DMWL made me angry. Angry at the ethics of the environment, angry at people's tempers and emotions, treatments. Sometimes angry for no reason, just because I expected something else horrible to happen. I will say, this anime didn't fail to involve me, which is a bottom liner. If that is there, you have a foundation for a successful anime. I just couldn't get over all the pain and hypocrisy. Needless to say, some people must have had more than the normal amount of blood to pull some of that stuff off. Anyways, point being. I wish I was in a rental situation. The series ended with no explanation. No justice. No happy feeling. It actually ended with just as many questions as it started out with with very little progression of the story issue. I feel like the project must have been scrapped somewhere in production. The OVA didn't even tie into the story in the slightest besides having a single character from the series as it's protagonist. If I was rating it on the production of the entire show, it would land at about 4 out of 10. Missed too many good strong marks to become a coherent piece. Story wise, it was actually well timed throughout with an invigorating plot development which at no time felt over-paced. Which is amazing to be perfectly honest. 9/10 in that respect. However, the unfinished feeling leaves a bitter taste. The gore indicative of this show is not something I am a real fan of, and as such, I won't count it against the show. It's just, the emotion you feel pretty intensely in the course of the show is left to fester with no outcome. That is the main reason why this doesn't work for me. Almost a 6 out of 10, I'd give the whole show a 5.8/10. It had real potential, even with it's guro premise.

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